Facial contouring

Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid is a non-surgical procedure that involves using injections of specialized products containing hyaluronic acid to correct and enhance the appearance of the lips and face.


What the treatment is for and how it works

Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid is a non-surgical procedure that involves using injections of specialized products containing hyaluronic acid to correct and enhance the appearance of the lips and face. This procedure can be used to smooth out wrinkles, increase volume of the lips and some areas of the face (cheeks, angles of the mandible, chin) and achieve various other cosmetic goals. The advantages include no surgical intervention, minimal recovery time, and long-lasting results.

How long ?

Depending on the specific area being treated, the procedure can take from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Healing period?

After contouring treatments using hyaluronic acid, the recovery period is relatively short, and many patients can resume their regular activities on the same day. However, there are some recommendations and temporary limitations to consider


One visit is usually sufficient, but if a touch-up is required to address any minor adjustments 1-2 weeks after the recovery period, the patient can return for the additional application of a small amount of filler.


The procedure is moderately painful and is performed with local anesthesia


This is an invasive procedure.

Indications for the procedure

Indications for contouring treatments may vary depending on the patient’s specific desires and needs, but they include:

1.Wrinkle Reduction: Lip filler can be used to smooth out wrinkles, both superficial and deeper ones like marionette lines and nasolabial folds.
2.Lip Augmentation: The procedure can enhance lip volume and shape.
3.Facial Contouring: Hyaluronic acid fillers can help create more defined and youthful facial contours, including jawline enhancement or smoothing nasolabial folds.
4.Restoring Volume: This procedure can replace lost volume in specific areas of the face due to aging.
5.Improved Aesthetics: Lip filler can help achieve a more youthful and fresh appearance.

Watch a video of the procedure

Contraindications to the procedure

1.Allergy to Filler Components
2.Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.
3.Active Inflammatory Processes (herpes, and other inflammation processes)
4.Blood Clotting Disorders.
5.Post-Dental Procedures (10-14 days after dental procedures)

It’s crucial to discuss your medical and allergy history with a cosmetic doctor before undergoing lip filler treatments to determine if you’re a suitable candidate and to understand any potential risks.

Preparing for treatment

No additional preparation is required; personal recommendations will be provided by the specialist during the initial consultation.

Care after treatment

Recommendations after the procedure
1. do not visit the sauna and swimming pool for 1 week
2. active sports are not recomended during 2-3 days after the procedure
3. Avoid mechanical pressure and massage in the area of filler insertion
4. Delay dental manipulations and procedures for 2 weeks after contouring
5. For 2 weeks, avoid peelings and scrubs in the filler correction area.
6. Reduce the amount of alcohol to a minimum for the first two weeks after the procedure.
7. Apply a thin layer of Traumeel ointment to the area of filler injection – twice a day.

During the first 1-2 weeks after the procedure swelling is possible. In case of pronounced changes, a consultation with a doctor with a personal examination is required.

What can be combined ?

Face contouring can be combined with various procedures and methods to achieve a more comprehensive and improved rejuvenation effect. Here are some popular options:

1.Botulinum Toxin and Lip Fillers: Lip filler procedures, when combined with hyaluronic acid fillers, can enhance facial volume and shape, while botulinum toxin (e.g., Botox) helps reduce wrinkles related to facial expressions.
2.Laser Rejuvenation: Laser procedures can improve skin texture, eliminate pigmentation, and stimulate collagen production.
3.Biorevitalization: Biorevitalization procedures using hyaluronic acid can enhance skin quality, making it more elastic and hydrated.
4.Chemical Peels: Chemical peels can improve skin texture and color, reduce fine wrinkles, and minimize pigmentation.
5.Ultrasound Facelift: This method can help tighten the skin, improve tone, and stimulate collagen production.
6.Combined Approaches: Doctors often suggest combined procedures tailored to the patient’s specific needs to achieve the best results.

The most critical aspect is to consult with an experienced cosmetic doctor or surgeon who can create an individualized treatment plan based on your goals and characteristics.

Book appointment​

By clicking on the “Book” button, you will be transfered to the online reservation system, where you can directly choose the date and time of the treatment.



Juvederm Ultra Smile (Allergan, USA)
5,550 Kč
Stylage M (Vivacy, France)
7,000 Kč
Saypha (Croma, Austria)
7,000 Kč
Neauvia (Switzerland)
7,000 Kč
Teosyal (Teoxane, Switzerland)
8,500 Kč
Contour facial plastic surgery (preparations Croma saypha. Neauvea)
Contour facial plastic surgery Redies
8,500 Kč
cheekbone contouring
7,000 Kč
chin contouring
6,000 Kč
contour plastic surgery of the angles of the lower jaw
7,000 Kč
Filling the nasolacrimal trough
7,000 Kč
Filling nasolabial folds
7,000 Kč
Filling wrinkles hyaluronic acid fillers, Belotero Soft
6,000 Kč

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Saint Monica Aesthetic s.r.o., Kaprová 15/11, Josefov, 110 00 Praha 1 – kontaktní osoba: Dr. Victoria Gritsay, info@saintmonica.cz

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